Updates on our Access Audits April 2024

How Access Audits Help Make Communities Inclusive

Despite the rain making everything a bit muddy, it’s been a busy year for access audits so far! This has included some fantastic projects, like a local rugby club planning a Changing Places toilet – a big step towards inclusivity.

Making Sporting Sites Accessible for All

The Halifax Rugby Union Club is taking a brilliant initiative by incorporating a Changing Places toilet into their facilities. The venue actively caters to everyone in the community, regardless of their needs, demonstrating a strong vision of inclusivity.

Community Foundation for Calderdale Makes Audits Possible

A big thank you to the Community Foundation for Calderdale (CFFC) for their ongoing support. CFFC funding enabled us to tackle the long waiting list for access audits. People requesting access audits have shown incredible enthusiasm and patience, which is truly overwhelming.

Building Relationships Through Audits

It’s always rewarding to connect with passionate people within the community. Michael from Brighouse Methodist Church exemplifies this perfectly. His regular and polite inquiries, including a full video tour of their facilities, landed them a well-deserved spot on our audit schedule.

Highlighting Accessibility Issues: A Town Hall Tale

A recent access meeting, relocated to Halifax Town Hall at the last minute, turned into an accessibility nightmare. Cobblestones, parking barriers, and a lack of dropped kerbs made navigating the building a challenge. Reaching the meeting room required multiple platform lifts, clearly demonstrating the need for an access audit.

Looking Forward to a Brighter and More Inclusive Future

We’ll keep you updated on our progress as the weather improves and the Year of Culture gets underway. In the meantime, if you’re interested in learning more about how Access Audits can improve accessibility in your community, don’t hesitate to get in touch.

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