Tourist Industry and the Unseen Pound.

The Tourist Industry Today

The Tourist Industry is a booming and ever growing sector in the U.K. It is more than just the revenue that comes in, it is also the jobs that tourism provides and in 2013 it was recorded by Deloitte Tourism Jobs And Growth report; as accounting for 9.6% of jobs within the U.K.

The revenue recorded in 2013 that the tourism industry brings is around £126.9bn and estimated to rise to around £257.4bn a year by 2025 highlighting to us the huge potential that this market has for us in the UK.

The often forgotten tourists.

In 2016 there were more that 65.5 million people living in the UK and within that there are around 12 million people living with a disability. Total spend of the purple pound in 2014 was £12.1bn.

Does your business model create accessibility for you to tap into this section of the tourist industry?

Disabled people, their relatives and carers are important customers and visitors to share your value with. There are so many amazing attractions in the UK that are still not accessible for individuals who live with an impairment or type of disability.

Changes can be small but effective.

Making changes to create more accessible venues and buildings for your employees and your customers doesn’t have to be high in cost. Simple adjustments can be made to start with and although simple and cost efficient, they will make a big difference.

What small changes create more accessibility in the tourist industry?

  • Ramps
  • Hearing loops
  • Simple adjustments to the floor layout and allow space for wheel chair users to move around (and prams too)
  • Are your signs clear? Use of images?
  • Are your disability toilets disabled friendly? Are they accessible and clean?

There are many easy changes to make that don’t effect the structure of a building but as I mentioned, can make a big difference.


The tourism industry is big and getting bigger. It makes absolute business sense to tap into as many sections of the tourism market. I’m going to speak from experience here but when we find a venue that really works for us and our disabled son we firstly spread the word but secondly we go back. Not only is it his entry fee but it’s a whole family paying and as I said, we usually go back and we will travel most places for experiences.

Create a venue that is proactive rather than reactive, open up and make accessible the experiences that you provide for all.