Dean Clough Mill, Halifax

Dean Clough in Halifax supporting accessibility

Dean Clough Mill is easy to admire.

It’s beautiful; the architecture, the space and how they use it, the atmosphere and the sensory treats you get when you walk around it is joyfully vibrant and now it’s getting even better.

The awesome Visits Unlimited Team have been there sharing our passion, our wisdom and our expertise to help Dean Clough become much more accessible.

Dean Clough is known for it’s many diverse businesses that work within it’s community, the regular events, exhibitions and conferences that are hosted there and the social side where visitors can pop in to the cafe for a coffee or a bite to eat has allowed it to become a great hub of activity and their focus is to ensure that all are welcome by improving their accessibility policy and training.

A little of Dean Clough’s big story.

Dean Clough was built as a set of factories around the mid 1800’s and became a home to the carpet industry and records show that it was hugely successful, the factory itself closed in 1983 and was then turned into a grade II listed building, however the beauty and potential remained strong because it under went a successful urban regeneration building and became what it is today.

Dean Clough is a stunning building and we are proud to have been able to support them to create a difference with them, the link is attached and it’s worth checking out their events coming up and and going to visit the venue to see for yourself and experience its traditional history, it’s modern and contemporary living and it’s future plans for evolution.

A truly wonderful building that holds it all.

Dean Clough

If you’d like to know more about our work and how we can help you create a more open and accessible venue for visitors then email Katie Clarke now and let us work with you, your team and your venue to help create a great day out that’s accessible by all.