About Changing Places: Disabled toilets that really are accessible.

Visits Unlimited support the work of Changing Places.  We know that our families with disabled children rated lack of personal care facilities at venues in the top three of issues prohibiting them visiting an attraction.  We also know that venues that invest in a Changing Places toilet reap the rewards in higher visitor numbers.

Mike at Changing Places provided this statement.

“Many vulnerable people in society, including people with disabilities, do not have the opportunities that most of us take for granted. I work in the campaigns and policy team at national learning disability charity “Royal Mencap Society” on a project called “Changing Places” ( www.changing-places.org ) . Changing Places are toilet facilities that have a bench and hoist for anyone who need extra assistance with their personal care. Without these facilities many people would not be able to access their local communities, shopping centres, music venues etc. Without these facilities, families have to change the person they care for on a cramped and dirty toilet floor. The alternative is to limit outings to a few short hours – or to not go out at all.

We now have over 650 registered Changing Places toilet across the UK and we are now working with our campaign sponsors Aveso (www.aveso.co.uk ) to look further afield. This year we have registered Changing Places with our sponsors at Arsenal and Brighton & Hove Albion Football clubs alongside many other public places.  My colleague Leroy Binns opened the Arsenal Changing Places with Alex Brooker from Channel Four’s “The last Leg”.”
