• A girl on an electric wheelchair in the Calderdale Countryside
  • 2 girls by a wall
  • A girl on an electric wheelchair by a Calderdale Stream

Consultancy & specialist advice

Unlock Inclusion: How Disability Consultancy Can Empower Your Business

In today’s diverse world, creating a truly inclusive environment is no longer just a good idea, it’s essential. Disability consultancy services offer a powerful tool to empower your business by ensuring accessibility and fostering a welcoming atmosphere for everyone.

Beyond Physical Accessibility: A Holistic Approach

While physical accessibility is a crucial element, a comprehensive disability consultancy goes far beyond ramps and accessible bathrooms. Organisations are complex entities, and your specific needs might extend to:

  • Legal Compliance: Navigating the intricacies of disability legislation can be challenging. Our consultants can provide expert guidance to ensure your business adheres to all relevant regulations.
  • Website Accessibility: In today’s digital age, websites are often the first point of contact. We can assess and recommend solutions to make your website user-friendly for everyone, including those with visual or mobility impairments.
  • Inclusive Recruitment: Building a diverse workforce starts with attracting talented individuals from all backgrounds. We offer guidance on creating inclusive recruitment practices that remove unnecessary barriers.
  • Workplace Assessments: A disabled employee may require specific adjustments to thrive in their role. We conduct thorough workplace assessments to identify and implement reasonable accommodations.

These are just a few examples. Our experienced team at Visits Unlimited can tailor their expertise to address your specific requirements, ensuring a smooth and inclusive experience for everyone who interacts with your business.

Building on Experience: Working with the Best

At Visits Unlimited, we have a proven track record of success working with a wide range of organisations. Our client list includes:

  • Major transport providers like Northern Rail and TfGM (Transport for Greater Manchester)
  • Local authorities such as Calderdale Council
  • National disability charities like Disabled Living
  • Popular tourist destinations like Cheddar Gorge, Longleat Safari Park, and Raby Castle

Beyond Borders: Unlocking Global Accessibility

Our team understands that the world is your oyster. Our independent consultant, a wheelchair user themself, has extensive travel experience across the globe. Whether you require information on hand-controlled cars in the US, accessible campervans in Australia, or navigating iconic landmarks like Machu Picchu, we can provide the knowledge and insight you need.

Our expertise extends beyond physical limitations. Specializing in tourism, sport, and travel, we can translate our extensive experience into actionable solutions, regardless of your specific accessibility challenge.

Unlocking Inclusion: Partner with Visits Unlimited Today

Creating a truly inclusive environment not only fosters positive social impact, but also makes smart business sense. By partnering with a disability consultancy like Visits Unlimited, you can unlock a world of potential by making your organisation accessible and welcoming to everyone. Contact us today to discuss your specific needs and learn how we can help you build a more inclusive future.

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