• A girl on an electric wheelchair in the Calderdale Countryside
  • 2 girls by a wall
  • A girl on an electric wheelchair by a Calderdale Stream

Accessibility guides

Nowadays, with the increasing use of websites and social media, organisations are asked to produce an Accessibility Guide of their venue to be read online.

This is a document detailing exactly what inclusive accessibility features your organisation has in place. It can cover everything from the physical environment to the quality of your website, and will feature information on all major areas of disability.

It can also detail what accessibility improvements are ongoing with the timescale for these.

This Guide will be read by prospective visitors/customers and it’s a great showcase for your venue where you can advertise all the features which make your venue such a great place for everyone to visit.

Accessibility Guides can flow easily from one of our initial Access Audits.

We can write your Guide to showcase your inclusive features to gain maximum effect, attracting more visitors to your venue.

For more information on Accessibility Guides see visitbritain.org.

Don’t hesitate to call us to discuss your requirements and to see how we can help.